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Check it out our interview with Jayden, the spanish sensation with the song “With you”

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 Your song with Jake Reese have more than one million views, do you think you already in the top?
Jayden – Not even close, I’m just getting started!

2. By the way, the music have a great beat, can you tell about the creation?
Jayden – My music is a reflection of the emotions I feel and this track represents the joy of having someone important beside you, whether it’s a friend or your significant other. I bet you’d like the new stuff I’m working on.

Are you thinking in news feats? How about with Brazilian music writers? By the way, do you intend to come to Brazil soon?
Jayden – I have a great aspiration to travel the world in search of new sounds! Brazil surely is one of the destinations I’d like to visit where I’m sure I can meet skilled music writers to work with.

 Let´s talk about music genders, can you tell me about your influences and if you intend to mix new sounds like zumba and samba, or something like that?

Jayden – I’m still in search for my own sound, always with my ears open to feed my creativity and my crazyness. Zumba and Salsa definetely gets me moving 🙂

 I wanna know about the artists that greatly inspire you …
Jayden – Even though the genres are different between each other I really love music from One Republic, Imagine Dragons and Coldplay. My creativity is somewhat linked to these groups.

Alê Shcolnik
Alê Shcolnikhttps://www.rotacult.com.br
Editora de conteúdo e fundadora do site, jornalista, publicitária, fotografa e crítica de cinema (membro da ACCRJ - Associação de Críticos de Cinema do Rio de Janeiro). Amante das Artes, aprendiz na arte de expor a vida como ela é. Cultura e tattoos nunca são demais!

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